About Us

Invarior is a streetwear apparel brand geared toward motivated and dedicated individuals in their respective fields. Reaching the new age of out of the box thinkers and dreamers. Invarior was started in 2021 by Jordyn Rutledge. She grew up having a different mindset and often told by her environment she could not accomplish her specific goals, that she didn't understand and it would make more sense when she was older, or it was a "stupid" idea. Over the years as self-doubt came along her household instilled dreaming, confidence, and hard work in whatever avenue she chooses will allow her to achieve the success she desires.

As she got older with multiple business attempts and still a clear vision; her experiences introduced her to individuals who were in their teens and 20s who had goals and aspirations they had already given up on. Many discussions with older adults fully enveloped in a career they did not enjoy, can remember their dreams they had as young adults, but when asked "what happened?" "Why didn't you achieve the life you wanted?", they either couldn't remember the reasons they came up with or just said life got in the way. She hated to hear the disbelief in their own abilities and even more shocked at the fact they could still remember what they wanted out of life but cannot remember what stopped them. Now believing it was too late to make a change was that much more disappointing.

Jordyn was raised in a low-income, single-parent household but was given a gift of unconditional strength and support from her mother. When doubt set in, she would remember what her mom told her. "The worst thing they can do is say no." When she came home to ask if she should keep going after a failure her mom's question was "Did you learn something?" "Then it's a lesson not a failure." These constant affirmations and always having someone in her corner shaped her vision of her ability and the importance of following it. It also provided the recognition of someone constantly believing her as a young child/ adult being the light of development when other's lights were getting burnt out and told to me realistic and have stable dreams. 

Invarior was born.

Starting as Unapologetic Apparel and transitioning into Invarior as Jordyn's vision for the brand developed. Invarior was created from 'Invaluable Warrior', a constant representation of each person's irreplaceable contribution to the world and the strength it takes to know it is worth seeing through.  Invarior is designed to remind the community of dreamers and out of the box thinkers that no matter what society says, there is a community of people out there making a difference, going after their own dreams, and chasing a vision; not because it is easy or supported, but they recognize others can't see the image of their life they see so they can't understand. Only other like-minded, dedicated, consistent, and motivated individuals can even understand the concept. 

You are the only one who can see that picture of your life, so you are the only one who can create it or let it fade. We see the world no longer as "do the stable thing", we believe in going after dreams and ambitions, whether it is starting a business, going to nursing school, creating freedom in the markets, teaching, coming up in entertainment. We speak on the mentality of the individuals Invarior supports.

Our mission is to see our clothing being used as a reminder to keep striving for the success you want to achieve, and never forget someone believes in you! Even if it is only Invarior and you, it is enough to be different.

-Supporting the Unsupported-

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